Just when you are inspired by an athlete's performance....
The spectre of doping rears its ugly head again.
Noone can produce synthetic testosterone, and no amount of alcohol or sex produces an 11:1 ratio of testosterone to epitestosterone.
Here's hoping the samples at least match. Even if they don't, Dick Pound is right - cycling's anti-doping program is very, very broken.
I don't know which part to be most upset about:
- that a seemingly modest young man from a mennonite/amish background (the reports have been inconsistent) could still get sucked into doping
- that vinokourov, who at least was not linked to any scandal before the race, couldn't race because too many of his teammates were
- that everyone's excitement over Landis's post-bonk time grab has been undermined
- or that I spent all those mornings waking up insanely early to watch this whole Tour unfold, only to have the winner be a cheat(allegedly, granted, at this point)
While I don't think that this will keep me from watching the Tour in future years, I think I've finally given up on a dope-free race.
Until, of course, we go over to France and ride an etape for ourselves.
5:03 PM
Oh, that's easy (not that you were asking) - I'd be most upset about the lost sleep. But that's just me.
5:23 PM
This is very interesting site... »
8:53 AM
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