Spring in BC
There is no better place to return to after two months' tropical holiday than British Columbia as it sheds the grey coat of Winter in favour of Spring. As longer and sunnier days prevail (and the rest of Canada braces for another month or two of winter), BC truly starts to shine.
I have been quite lucky to already have travelled to the Okanagan twice in the past month. The last trip was by air, which meant I had an amazing view of the Coast Range and Nicola Valley on both flights. Peaks are still blinding white with snow, while the valleys are an array of green. Kelowna was hot this past weekend, with temperatures to 27 celcius; hoards of people streamed through downtown Kelowna on bike and foot with getting outside being their only goal. Some even braved a swim in the lake (not recommended - yet).
Victoria is another month ahead of Spring in the Okanagan. The daffodils have long since faded in Beacon Hill Park and the apple trees in our backyard hold onto a few remaining blossoms - you can even see the beginnings of fruit on our trees. Cyclists and runners have been out in shorts since early March, and most gardens have already been planted. Our rows of garden vegetables respond to the recent warm spell by growing at a fevered pace, and our neighbourhood fauna react in turn by keeping our very tasty spinach in check.
And as for me, when the warm spring days set in, my mind wanders to the endless possibilities for weekend adventure BC holds. This coming May long weekend is bursting with options: head to Penticton to ride the Ironman Canada Bike Course with Sarah; climb at Skaha or Squamish; camp and climb near Nanaimo; turn my attention to training for my upcoming half-marathon in Ucluelet; or simply relax in town and at home.
I vote for Penticton!
10:31 AM
So that's why I interrupted my work this morning to take a picture of the garden! I told you the lettuce grew. If we go away for the long weekend, we'll have to find someone willing to keep watering for us. Sarah votes Penticton...I think I vote for avoiding the ferries...unless we can get Sarah out to Skaha with us!
4:27 PM
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