Seven Sites I Can't Live Without in my Day
I am tired of my Internet. Like a hamster in a wheel going nowhere, like a goldfish in a bowl swimming in circles, I visit the same sites over and over again throughout my day. Yes, the boundaries on the Internet are the boundaries of your imagination, blah, blah, blah. Still, I want the content to come to me sometimes, rather than having to seek it out.
And this got me to thinking: I know plenty of interesting people, and they must go to some interesting sites out there. I bet they could key me into some new content.
So, in the spirit of clothing swaps and rummage sales, I thought I would post my heavy rotation in hopes of picking up some fresh cyber-duds for the summer season.
What are the seven websites you can't do without in a day? Mine are:
The Globe and Mail
The Tyee
The Hollywood North Report
Go Fug Yourself (I am so ashamed!)
Google News - Canada
Comedy Central Motherload (the only place I can watch The Colbert Report)
Don't be ashamed of Go Fug Yourself. It's a funny site.
I'm obsessed with Flickr and Wikipedia. Some blogs I like to read are The Write Snark and DARE Generation Diary. The first is the blog of a horror and romance author. She's hilarious and insightful, and you should check out her t-shirts if you're a writer yourself. The second is about the ineffectiveness of the war on drugs in the United States from the perspective of the DARE Generation.
It was nice to come across your blog. I'll check out some of the other links.
11:38 AM
Nothing unexpected here:
1. Archie Comics daily cartoon strip.
2. CBC
3. Marooned
4. Fabulous Girl's Boudoir (for Shuesday)
5. Go Fug Yourself
6. Globe and Mail
7. The Hollywood North Report
Bonus Track: Environment Canada's Five-Day Weather Forecast
3:29 PM
When I get in in the morning, I open these tabs, and try to get through them all by the end of the day:
1) New York Times
2) Daily Kos
3) Gawker
4) Wonkette
5) BBC
6) The Note - which I open but almost never have time to read.
7) The rest are my friends - Marooned, Trivial Kate, Tabula Rasa, the Blue Fairy, Busty Satan, Grist from the Miller. they don't all post daily, but I always check in to see what they're up to.
8:51 PM
if you are bored with you sites, try real people, come hang with your new 2nd cousin and your old 2nd cousin. they are more entertaining than any web site that could be recommended........not to mention how entertaining I am..........jana
3:15 PM
I almost always check out the following:
Boing boing
Making Light
BBC football
Google News
Dinosaur Comics well as blogs of various of my friends and a few other webcomics.
11:36 PM ;) It'll start your day off with a smile!
5:05 PM
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