Sunday, February 12, 2006

Shuttle Drivers

For the most part, shuttle vans are a very fast, safe, and cost-effective way to travel in Guatemala. They are often targeted at night (as some assume more wealthy people take shuttle vans), but are generally fine during the day. They are also everywhere, and go just about everywhere to boot.

However, if you are travelling to Antigua from Panajachel, do
NOT take the 4PM shuttle if the driver is very tall, somewhat skinny, and has short, spiky hair. I have never driven with such a dangerous driver, with so little regard for himself, his passengers, or others on the road. He drives an older, red passenger van, which we learned (the hard way) had no power for passing other cars and buses in the face of oncoming traffic. Despite the language barriers, all passengers managed to convey their disgust at his driving to the travel agency once we arrived in Antigua.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey that guy could be Juice King Driver! Darin

2:54 PM

Blogger camarooned said...

He was that good!

8:15 AM


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