My Sunglasses
Have taken a beating on this trip. I lost half of the arm in Chiapas, but held them together with duct tape until I got tired of the flimsyness of the tape job. I think the right lens fell out for the first time in Honduras, which led to a bit more tape being applied. I noticed a crack fully through the frame of the left lens in Belize, and (you guessed it) applied more tape. In the end, this is what they looked like:
I hunted for some replacements in any touristy area, but all I found were Oakley knock-offs that felt brittle to the touch. These glasses survived until two days before my return flight. They now call Shelf Above Lockers, Dormitory 9, Poc Na Hostel, home. They are kept company by my green bath towel, spare light, and half-full bottle of body wash. If they wish to travel, they can visit the snorkeling gear I left in the book exchange room at same said hostel.
I'll miss those glasses. I thought the silver flashes of duct tape were quite jaunty.
1:28 PM
Oh, gee, thanks, anonymous. I was thinking I was pretty resourceful, keeping them alive for so long. I really didn't want to see them go, but when the lenses started dropping out every time I looked towards my toes, I had no choice but to let them live out their days on Isla Mujeres.
4:49 PM
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