First World Problems
Yes, we have a suspended Parliament, and a government that may fall on January 27th. Still, when put in perspective, these are definitely first world problems.
(Except for the notion that one measure proposed by the Conservative Gov't was to prevent women pursuing pay equity recourse to the Human Rights Coalition - doing so by making pay equity a parliamentary matter.)
To put our political "crisis" into context, let's take a look at recent news around the globe:
Acid attacks by men on women are a common thing. Exerpt: "Since 1994, Ms. Bukhari has documented 7,800 cases of women who were deliberately burned, scalded or subjected to acid attacks, just in the Islamabad area. In only 2 percent of those cases was anyone convicted. " That's just under 2 attacks per day, every day, since 1994, in just one city.
The CDN military may have been ordered to ignore cases of childhood sexual abuse. Exerpt: "Whispers of sexual abuse allegedly perpetrated by Afghan soldiers against young boys have been commonly heard among Canadian troops, with many referring to such incidents as "man love Thursdays."" Chances are, if there's a saying for it, it happens.
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