Friday, January 27, 2006

Seattle in a Nutshell...

I just could not help myself! There is just so much time (and money) that can be spent at REI. Heading to REI teaches you that everything can be smaller, lighter, and faster, but at a price. I did not exactly break the bank, but I did ensure I will be living on the cheap for the next couple of weeks.

Other notable items from my time in Seattle include a great Tuesday evening at the Capitol Club watching the Children of the Revolution please a full house. Thanks to the FG for that. Also topping the list was trivia night - the night I have heard so much about but have not until Wednesday lived. One black mark on trivia night was the screaming headache I received from their house red - it was my best friend all the way to this hostel in CancĂșn, where I now sit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seattle sounds great. We will have to spend some time there when you get back...if I don't come down to meet you in Cancun.

6:19 PM


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