Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Wine Trio Reviews - Inaugural

Two wines were tested for our first Wine Trio Review. They are:

McLarens On The Lake Shiraz 2006. Price: $12.99
Combined Score*: 22
Comments: Good potential, but a little green. Give it six months to a year to develop, and this wine will compare to and exceed many $25 offerings from Australia. Will re-sample in a year - if the bottle lasts that long.

Terra Sana Organic Syrah 2006. Price: $14.99
Combined Score: 23.5
Comments: A more balanced wine that the first, and really holds its own as a good table wine. However, like most organics in the range, the emphasis seems to be making a palatable rather than an interesting wine. Does not compare to the Organic Cono Sur.

* Testing is completed as follows: Three of us rate the wine between 1 and 10, in 0.5 increments, and these three ratings are combined to form the total score. Comments are usually defined by consensus, though the author reserves the right to create new content on the off chance that too many wines are tested and some of the feedback during testing is lost.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Spring in the OK, and All Things Domestic

Back on the island (truly marooned), for another long work stint. The extra days off this week were a blessing, filled with great weather (including sun alongside snow on April Fool's Day - good one, Nature) and great people.

The weekend really started with a call from HW on Saturday morning, claiming he touted breakers and wanted to "giver". By 5pm, he, my Dad, and I had all that ridiculous concrete broken out from the carport that leads in from our barn door back door. We even tore into the old throne - kind of sad to see that feature go....

And then we hosted a poker night for twelve on Saturday, and we even managed to incorporate about 7 rookies without much ado. Two of those rookies were just dropping in from, um, Darfur for the night. Good to see them again, even though time was short - hope they liked the waffles.

And then Jo and the two men in her life came by around lunch on Sunday. Turns out we both had something to be sorry for, so the Kill Bill reference seemed to dissipate. What a great couple guys she's found.

Ambition got the better of me (as per normal), and I ended Monday breaking out the stairs to the back door. And then a whole bunch of cleanup rounded out Tuesday and Wednesday - if you ever want a workout, move concrete.

Oh, and a trip to Summerland on Wednesday, where I was shocked to see how the whole place is going to sh*t. How quickly we deface a beautiful hillside in the name of progress and safety - I like risk in my life, and I'd rather pay attention while driving than see a hillside completely destroyed.

But now all I can think about is house renos - rip down the shed, tear out the basement, rebuild the retaining wall - and I wonder why I am caught down here on the Coast yet again. Where's a piece of paper? I need to make a list.....
