Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Honourable Mention: Jeremy Paxman

I hear Jeremy can turn a good interview as well. But I will have to go with Charlie Rose. I first saw him interviewing p.t. anderson about Magnolia (and a little Boogie Nights), and it is still one of my favourite films.

See here for more details.

And a visual, not of Magnolia, but of Boogie Nights, which obviously has way more to offer in the visuals category....

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Browsing History, Ocrober 16

Presently away from home for the first time since... August, and am browsing to fill the time before bed.

Genius Boyfriends are Really Idiots

Small Things Are Cool

McCain Supports ACORN, But Obama Will Win Anyways

The Bee-Gees are Good for Something

The Best Television Program Around

I can't believe this man is not CDN.