Treasure Hunting While Cleaning House
I am still settling into my new digs here in Kelowna. Fortunately, I have the time to do so. Of course, when you have an excess of time, you tend to attack those chores you have put off for the past, oh, one or two years. Like sorting through all the paper you've kept.
Given the amount of items I deemed important enough to keep, you'd think I was building a nest of paper. Items like: paid parking tickets from 2002; receipts for clothes I have worn threadbare; transfer papers for my motorcycle (sold in 2003). Destination: shredder.
But there are also items that I am happy to come across, such as this:
This is the pamphlet from the last mountain bike race I ever entered. It took place in México, just West of Guadalajara, in 1999. I was terrible! Two 18-kilometre laps, with a whole lot of climbing. I also came across my race number. It is nice to have a memento of my first road trip to México, and makes me want to go back.